/* TEAM */ Site: The Hacker News Description: The most trusted and popular cybersecurity publication for information security professionals seeking breaking news, actionable insights, and analysis. Location: Global Founded: 2010 /* THE HUMANS BEHIND THE NEWS */ Founders: Mohit Kumar and Swati Sharma - Passionate about digital security and writing. - Backgrounds in computer science and journalism. - Love hacking and programming puzzles. Twitter: @unix_root and @Swati_THN Lead Reporter: Ravie Lakshmanan - Specializes in computational journalism and threat intelligence. - Has worked as a cybersecurity reporter for several publications. - Enjoys topics on technology, policy, security, and user privacy. LinkedIn: @ravielakshmanan /* ACKNOWLEDGMENTS */ Special Thanks: - To all our sources who share invaluable insights and alerts. - To our readers for their keen interest and feedback. - To cybersecurity researchers and professionals worldwide for their tireless work in making the digital space safer for everyone. /* TECHNOLOGIES */ This site is built with love using: - HTML5 & CSS3 for responsive design. - JavaScript for dynamic content. - Secure servers and encryption to ensure your privacy and security. /* CONTACT */ Have feedback, tips, or just want to say hello? Reach out to us at: - Email: admin@thehackernews.com - Twitter: @TheHackersNews /* LEGALESE */ All content © The Hacker News, unless otherwise noted. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility; stay informed and stay secure. Thank you for supporting independent cybersecurity journalism.